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About CSI – Citizen Safety Institute

 Guided by the Chain-of-Survival, Citizen Safety Institute is dedicated to reducing cardiac arrest at home and at work.

We provide exemplary health and safety products and educational programs; We conduct and publicize cutting-edge multidisciplinary research in the discovery, action, utilization and evaluation of health and safety improvement programs; and We enable a national system of affiliates.

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Over 400,000 Americans die of cardiac arrest every year according to the American Heart Association. That is more than 1000 people a day. But there is a solution for Cardiac Arrest.

We rely on the fire department or EMS to save these people, but with all their heroics, they can save a little over 5%. You can make a bigger difference. You can save more than 40% of the cardiac arrests victims, by implementing all five links of the Chain-of-Survival in your community and in your business.

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Early Prevention

Preventing cardiac arrest through education and action steps may eliminate the chance of having a cardiac arrest… Read More  

Early Access

Rapid response and intervention increase the chances of surviving a cardiac arrest. For each minute of delay… Read More  

Early CPR

Preventing cardiac arrest through education and action steps may eliminate the chance of having a cardiac arrest… Read More  

Early Defibrillation

Restoring an adequate heart rhythm is necessary to survive a cardiac arrest. This can only be done with…

Read More  

Early Advanced Care

After the heart has been restarted from a cardiac arrest, the victim needs to be stabilized and transported to the… Read More  

Contact Us

Reducing Cardiac Arrest at home and at work.


  1 (800) CPR-3333

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