Welcome to Citizen Safety Institute (CSI)

At CSI, our mission is to save lives by empowering individuals, communities, and businesses to take action against cardiac arrest. Guided by the Chain-of-Survival, we are committed to reducing cardiac arrest fatalities at home and in the workplace.

Every year, over 400,000 Americans lose their lives to cardiac arrest—more than 1,000 each day. Yet, with the right knowledge, tools, and systems, survival rates can soar from just 5% to over 40%. The key lies in implementing all five critical links of the Chain-of-Survival.

What We Offer:

  • Life-Saving Training: Find local CPR, AED, or First Aid classes and equip yourself to act confidently in an emergency.
  • Top-Quality Products: Explore our range of health and safety products designed to empower communities and workplaces.
  • Groundbreaking Research: Discover the latest advancements in cardiac arrest prevention, intervention, and recovery.
  • Affiliate Support: Join our national network of affiliates dedicated to making a difference.

The Chain-of-Survival:
Implementing the full Chain-of-Survival can transform outcomes for cardiac arrest victims. Here’s how you can make an impact:

  • Early Prevention: Learn proactive steps to reduce the risk of cardiac arrest.
  • Early Access: Ensure rapid response with quick intervention strategies.
  • Early CPR: Master life-saving skills to keep victims alive until help arrives.
  • Early Defibrillation: Use AEDs to restore heart rhythms and improve survival chances.
  • Early Advanced Care: Support victims with professional care and stabilization.

Take Action Today:

  • Find a local training center and start your journey to becoming a lifesaver.
  • Add your training center to our growing directory to help more people access vital training.

Together, we can reduce cardiac arrest fatalities and build safer communities.

To find a CPR, AED or First Aid class close to you, please click on the button below.

Add your training center to our site

Our Products 

Over 400,000 Americans die of cardiac arrest every year according to the American Heart Association. That is more than 1000 people a day. But there is a solution for Cardiac Arrest.

We rely on the fire department or EMS to save these people, but with all their heroics, they can save a little over 5%. You can make a bigger difference. You can save more than 40% of the cardiac arrests victims, by implementing all five links of the Chain-of-Survival in your community and in your business.

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Early Prevention

Preventing cardiac arrest through education and action steps may eliminate the chance of having a cardiac arrest…

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Early Access

Rapid response and intervention increase the chances of surviving a cardiac arrest. For each minute of delay…

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Early CPR

Preventing cardiac arrest through education and action steps may eliminate the chance of having a cardiac arrest…

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Early Defibrillation

Restoring an adequate heart rhythm is necessary to survive a cardiac arrest. This can only be done with…

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Early Advanced Care

After the heart has been restarted from a cardiac arrest, the victim needs to be stabilized and transported to the…

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Contact Us

Reducing Cardiac Arrest at home and at work.


  1 (800) CPR-3333


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